J. M. Klaire
author : J. M. Klaire
USA Today Bestselling Author J.M. Klaire sucks at writing bad boys. She knows it. She embraces it. Instead she writes about shifters who kiss hard and love deep. Shifters who aren't alpha-holes, but who will lay down their lives for their woman, if needed. Wolf shifters. Bear shifters. Even lion and dragon shifters.\n\nHer stories are hot, steamy, funny, mostly lighthearted M/F romances with an occasional M/F/M menage romance thrown in there. J. M. Klaire loves shifters, and she loves to share her sexy stories with you.\n\nJ. M. Klaire also writes steamy, sexy cowboy menage romances as Jenny Klaire and still has some fast, hot, erotic short stories published as Jamie Klaire, which is how she got her start, so check out those author pages as well if you're interested.\n\nAll three personalities can be found on one website- JKlaireRomance.com.